Many people make the decision to take on the task of preparing and filing legal documentation on their own. This is typically an attempt to cut costs and save on attorney fees. Some people are successful, but at Crider Law, we strongly suggest you allow someone with experience to help you.
A simple search of the Internet will bring up multiple “Do-It-Yourself” legal document preparation suggestions and services. These websites will highlight how much money you can save by avoiding the involvement of an attorney when it comes to legal documents. What these same websites fail to point out is how much money might be spent if these legal documents aren’t prepared or filed correctly.
Unfortunately, one small error on a legal document can lead to long-term and costly consequences.
At Crider Law, our commitment is to providing excellent document preparation that you can feel confident about. Working with experienced Family Attorney Brad Crider, you’ll save yourself time, stress and money by getting your documents prepared correctly the first time. His attention to detail and use of correct legal language will ensure your legal proceedings move forward efficiently.
Crider Law is experienced in preparing comprehensive legal documents for our clients in the following areas:
- Dissolution of Marriage (with or without children)
- Paternity
- Child Support
- Spousal Support
- Child Custody or Visitation Rights
- Legal Separations
- Modifications
- Enforcement of Decreed Decisions
- Many others…
Don’t risk facing obstacles down the road by trying to do it yourself now. Crider Law will work with you to make sure your legal documents are completed correctly the first time. For answers to questions about legal document preparation, please give us a call today.