The determination of Spousal Maintenance or alimony can be one of the most complex and difficult components of a divorce. Unlike child support, spousal maintenance is assessed by the court and is not based on any specific formula. A judge may award either temporary or long-term payment depending on the situation.
How Much and How Long?
There are certain guidelines that the court may take into consideration as they determine both the amount of spousal maintenance to be paid and for how long. Generally speaking, a judge will look at several factors including the following:
- How long the marriage lasted
- Whether a party has the ability to provide for themselves
- If one party helped put the other through school
- Age of parties involved
- Age of children – if the children are at an age where it is better to have one parent home
- Both the emotional and physical health of both parties
- Standard of living during the marriage
Either party involved may be entitled to alimony. Temporary alimony is generally awarded to the party with lower income to help them through the transition of divorce, including legal fees.
Contact Crider Law For Help
Family attorney Brad Crider is an expert at helping his clients know and understand the complexities of spousal maintenance. He will help you determine if your circumstances warrant spousal maintenance and how much you should request. Brad is both willing to negotiate with the other party regarding a fair alimony agreement and ready to litigate in court if an agreement cannot be reached.
Give us a call at Crider Law today. We’ll set up your initial meeting with Brad and collect details about your case. Let Brad and his team put their experience and knowledge to work for you and help you see the best possible outcome.