Will I Owe Spousal Maintenance?

In the state of Arizona, spousal maintenance is determined by a two-part analysis of all relevant factors pertaining to the financial, academic, and career standing of both spouses. The first level of analysis determines the eligibility of both spouses to receive or give spousal maintenance. The second level then takes into consideration the assets and abilities of both spouses. This information is then used to determine how much spousal maintenance will be owed upon the dissolution of the marriage. Spousal maintenance can be a challenging hurdle in the divorce settlement process because it requires significant documentation of past, present, and current circumstances. Here are some things to consider as you discuss spousal maintenance with your attorney:

Part 1: Eligibility

Since every case is unique, a judge must consider these important factors in relation to the specific needs of the individuals to determine if either spouse is eligible for monetary support. To determine if you will owe spousal maintenance, your attorney and the courts of law will need to know:

1) If your spouse has reasonable living accommodations and other necessary property.

2) If your spouse’s income and means of employment warrants self-sufficiency.

3) The duration of the marriage

4) The age of the spouse in relation to the time it would take to achieve academic and economic self-sufficiency.

Essentially, the courts must verify that both spouses are independently self-sufficient or able to become self-sufficient within a reasonable amount of time following the divorce. If your spouse is absolutely unable to provide for themselves due to an unequal division of assets, educational shortcomings, or demanding childcare obligations, they may be eligible for spousal maintenance.

Part 2: Considering All Relevant Factors

If your spouse is found eligible for spousal maintenance, the following factors are then assessed to fairly decide spousal support following the divorce:

1) The standard of living within the marriage

Did you live above or below your means?

2) The duration of the marriage

How much time was invested in the marriage?

3) Level of education, career experience, and earning potential

Did either spouse quit past jobs to take care of children? Do they have enough education to return to the work force?

4) The physical, mental, and emotional condition of the spouse seeking support

Does one spouse have significant health requirements that warrant spousal support?

5) The ability of the supporting spouse to meet their own needs while providing support to their former spouse

– Can one spouse adequately provide for themselves while partially providing for the other?

6) All contributions made by both parties to childcare and household income during the marriage

– Was the division of household labor, childcare, and income from earnings equal between spouses?

7) Any sacrifice of educational or career opportunities made by the spouse seeking support for the benefit of the other, their marriage, or their children

– Has one spouse’s earning potential been reduced while the other spouse’s has been advanced?

8) The ability of the spouse seeking support to obtain educational advancement and employment if necessary (with consideration of financial restrictions and time constraints)

– Is necessary educational training readily available? How much will it cost? How long will it take to complete the education and find adequate employment?

9) The extent to which both parties can contribute to children’s education costs

– Will spousal maintenance be necessary to help one parent contribute?

10) Health insurance costs for both parties

– How much will new coverage cost? How much money will be saved in the reduction of the current health insurance plan?

11) An imbalance in financial assets or properties

­– What debts have both spouses incurred independently? Does either spouse have hidden assets?

12) Any criminal convictions

– Were there any charges of domestic violence in which the spouse or child was a victim? What other damages were incurred?

Each case is substantially unique and requires an in-depth look at very personal matters. You can trust the experienced family law attorneys at Crider Law to work with you to establish a fair spousal maintenance agreement and ensure your needs are taken care of. Brad Crider is an expert on the complex division of assets and will work hard to create a fair divorce settlement for your individual circumstance. Call Crider Law today to set up an initial consultation.

Adoption Challenges

Relatives or non-relatives who have a legitimate interest in the well being of a child that is not their own may petition for adoption to give the child a better, safer, and healthier home life. The rights of the biological parents must first be terminated in order for the legal adoption to occur, and while some parents may relinquish their parental rights willingly, other cases may warrant a court hearing to terminate the rights of the parents by legal action. Crider Family Law attorney Brad Crider will help you present evidence against an unfit parent in a court of law or defend yourself against those trying to terminate your parental rights.

Most often, relatives such as stepparents or grandparents will petition the courts for an adoption due to their belief that the legal decision-making parent is unfit to raise the child responsibly. Despite this relative’s belief in what is best for the child, evidence of parental inadequacy must first be established before the child’s best interest is considered. The Arizona Revised Statute lists eleven scenarios that would qualify a parent as unfit and justify the termination of their legal rights:

  1. Abandonment
  2. Abuse – The parent abused the child, knowingly or negligibly, or put the child in a situation where abuse could occur.
  3. Health History – the parent is unable to provide for the child due to mental illness or dangerous abuse of drugs or alcohol. There must also be reason to believe that this unhealthy pattern will continue.
  4. Criminal activity – if the parent has been convicted of a felony or received a prison sentence that will deprive the child of a stable home life for a period of years.
  5. Failure to identify paternity within the required time frame
  6. Failure of the father to file a paternity claim
  7. Consent – The parents have relinquished their rights to the child to an adoption agency or given consent to an adoption
  8. Failure to remedy circumstance – If a welfare agency is providing for the child, and after reunification efforts, the child has been removed from the home by court order for a period of nine to fifteen months due to a parent’s unwillingness or inability to exercise proper care of the child (both presently and in the future), the parent’s legal rights may be terminated.
  9. Unidentifiable Parent – The identity of the parent remains unknown after 3 months of diligent efforts to identify and locate the parent
  10. The parent has had the parental rights to another child terminated within the last 2 years for the same cause and is currently unable to administer parental responsibilities
  11. Repeated Removal – If the child was living outside the home, according to court order, was returned to the legal custody of the parent, and within 18 months, was again removed from the parent’s custody

Once the birthparent has been deemed unfit to provide for their child, the courts must determine if the adoption by the prospective parent will also be in the best interest of the child. This may require an evaluation of the petitioner’s home to ensure the prospective parent can sufficiently provide for the potential adoptive child. A social worker will investigate the prospective parent’s financial and family history, and criminal and medical records.

Other problems may arise if both birthparents do not give consent to the adoption. If one or both legal guardians objects to the termination of their parental rights, a hearing will be necessary to determine final termination of their rights based on the evidence the petitioner provides. If a biological parent fails to show up to the hearing, the courts will consider it a “default” and your Crider family law attorney will take immediate action to sever their parental rights.

If you are attempting to adopt a child that is not yours, or if the state has filed a petition for Termination of Parental Rights against you, call Brad Crider at Crider Law today to quickly solve adoption challenges and protect the special child in your life.

Understanding Recent Changes in Arizona Custody Laws

Some important changes were recently made to the Arizona child custody legislation that went into full effect January 1, 2013. Some terminology was modified and some amendments were made in order to clarify the purpose and procedures of the courts when determining custody arrangements for children of divorced parents. The new legislation aims to provide fair treatment for mothers and fathers in court conclusions about custody and further maximize the time both parents spend with their children.


Most significantly, the word “custody” is almost completely removed from the legislation in order to clarify the difference between legal and physical custody. “Legal custody” is now referred to as “legal decision-making” and encompasses the right a parent has to make necessary decisions for the child about education, health and personal care, and religious upbringing. A judge may grant joint legal decision-making, dividing these responsibilities between parents, or give one parent sole legal decision-making authority.

“Physical custody” is now referred to as “parenting time” and indicates the time a child is allotted with each parent. While previously, “visitation” was thought to refer to the allotment of time granted to the non-custodial parent, this is an incorrect interpretation. “Visitation”, as far as the courts are concerned, is any time someone other than a legal parent spends with a child (such as grandparents). [For more information on visitation rights of grandparents, click here].


Arizona legislators are also making efforts to eliminate the biased designation of legal decision-making rights and parenting time based on gender. This gives fathers more of a fair fight in a custody battle, as historically women have been favored for sole guardianship of children or a majority of the parenting time. While the courts had already concluded that having both parents present in a child’s life is in their best interest, the new Arizona custody legislation aims to give both parents equal and maximum time with their children.

A conditional factor was also added to give children more of a say in the division of parenting time, given the court deems the child old enough and mature enough to understand their circumstances. Ultimately, a judge still has the authority to decide how much parenting time each parent receives, but these new clauses will hopefully provide children with cohesive parental relationships, despite the dissolution of a marriage.

Additionally, the legislation used to decree that custody rights were determined based on which parent, if either, provided the majority of the child’s primary care in the past. This process has been changed to take into consideration the past, present, and future potential of a parental relationship.

Fines are now being enforced on parents who intentionally delay court proceedings or are not forthcoming with pertinent information. Prior to the new legislation, these fines were optional based on the judge’s discretion.


Unfortunately, these new decrees were not intended to be retroactive, nor do they guarantee that a new petition for custody changes will grant the family a different outcome. Parents who wish to petition for their custody agreement to be more in line with the new statutes must still provide adequate proof of change in circumstances. [See “Changing my Child Support” for more information].

For the best results in a custody case, it is important to work with a family law attorney who has experience with the legal process and is an expert on how these changes to Arizona custody laws can affect your family. Brad Crider is well qualified to help you through even the toughest custody arrangement or divorce settlement. To set up an initial consultation, contact Crider Law today.



Top Celebrity Divorce Settlements

With fame, fortune, and success often comes the added difficulty of a very public personal life. Most people with large assets to protect enter marriage comfortably believing it will last, but find comfort in a prenuptial agreement in case it doesn’t. When the unthinkable divorce does indeed happen however, many celebs give in to the outrageous demands of their spouses, managers, and attorneys to protect their reputation. Here are some of the most expensive and extravagant divorce settlements among the rich and famous in recent years.

1. Mel Gibson and Robyn Moore

After having seven children together in their 31 years of marriage, Robyn and Mel Gibson separated immediately after Mel was arrested for drunk driving in 2006. Robyn filed for divorce in 2009 and since no prenuptial agreement was in place, she was entitled to half his estate, averaging about $450 million. This was reportedly one of the most expensive divorce settlements in Hollywood’s history. Following the divorce settlement, Gibson had to shell out $750,000 and a house in California to his ex-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, who is the mother of his eighth child, Lucia.

What went wrong?Reports of a misdemeanor battery charge in combination with a drunk driving arrest caused problems that led to the absolving of a long marriage and the breakup with his girlfriend following the divorce.

2. Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren

In 2010, at the height of his career as the best golfer in America with the highest salary in the industry, Tiger Woods was exposed as a serial cheater, with over a dozen women admitting to having affairs with the professional athlete. As a result, Woods lost important endorsements, took a hiatus from golf, and underwent an expensive, yet private divorce from his wife of six years. Though the settlement amount has never been confirmed, Nordegren was rumored to have received $110 million outright with large monthly child support benefits. Even at this minimum of $20 million for every year of marriage, the Woods-Nordegren settlement made celebrity divorce history.

What went wrong? It’s safe to say that having dozens of secret extra-marital affairs can really put a damper on a marriage, not to mention ruin a career and soil a reputation.

3. Michael Jordan and Juanita Jordan

After 17 years of marriage, Juanita received $168 million in the divorce settlement, which was one-third of the basketball star’s net worth. They did sign a post-nuptial agreement after Jordan had been in the NBA for five years, but the couple mutually and amicably divorced in 2006.

What went wrong? The couple rarely had instances of public turmoil in the relationship, but fame and celebrity proved to be hard on their family and led to the end of their marriage.

4. Madonna and Guy Ritchie

In 2008, Madonna’s eight year marriage ended, leaving her $92 million poorer and wondering if she would ever find love again. While we expect celebrity divorces to be riddled with scandal and corruption, Madonna and Ritchie appeared to have simply fallen out of love. Friends said Madonna had some eccentric lifestyle choices that made her difficult to live with.

What went wrong? What happened to Madonna’s marriage happens to many marriages that end in divorce. As people grow apart, they lose sight of the commitments they made when, as Madonna said, things were “flawless” in the relationship.

Despite the Hollywood divorce stories that make it seem as if money is everything, the emotional upset of divorce is very real for everyone from celebrities to the average Joe. Finding an attorney who is sensitive to the difficulty of divorce while being willing to fight for your financial rights is an important part of the divorce process. Brad Crider, a practiced Arizona family law attorney, specializes in the complex division of assets and understands the impact of separation on the modern-day family. Contact Crider Family Law to set up your initial consultation and let Brad begin fighting for your financial rights today.

A Good Age for Divorce

Many couples or married individuals considering divorce have had marital struggles for quite some time, but they don’t know when is the “right time” to end things. They wonder if things will get better and if they should wait to see if the storm passes. They wonder what their opportunities for falling in love again will be like as a divorcée. Couples with kids wonder what the effect of divorce will be on their children and if there is a good age for divorce.

While there is no magic age at which divorce becomes easier, the most important thing to consider is how your children will respond and their ability to cope. Every circumstance and every child is different, but here are some tips that may help you decide when divorce would be best for you and your children.

  • While it is believed that children cannot recall many things that happen before their third or fourth birthday, the events that happen between ages 0-4 still have a significant impact on a child’s development. Though children cannot verbally express much as this age, they can feel the tension, fear, and abandonment that usually come from this upset in their normal life. It is important for parents to monitor their child’s reactions, comfort them, and show them love and affection often.
  • Young kids between the ages of 5-10 need more stability and hands-on parenting time. They need a solid home foundation from which they can confidently move forward to become unique individuals, comfortable in their own skin. Studies show, and courts agree, that it is important for children at this age to have the predominant influence of both parents in their lives.
  • The struggle most adolescents face as they try to understand themselves may be exacerbated by divorce. Your teen may act out aggressively or cut themselves off from you verbally or emotionally in an attempt to cope with their feelings. It is important to communicate effectively with your child about the divorce so that they understand they are not at fault. It is also important to be patient and let them approach you with their concerns when they need to.
  • Children who are in their twenties when their parents divorce may begin to question their understanding of what love, commitment, and family really are. This can be especially harmful during a time when they are looking for these relationships themselves. They often feel lied to and feel that their understanding of themselves and their family is irretrievably damaged.
  • Don’t pretend to be in a happy marriage for the sake of the children. Secrets kept with the intent of protecting your children from the hard reality of a broken marriage do not strengthen the relationship you have with your kids. If children find out later that their parents were unhappily married for most of their childhood, this will only worsen their feelings of being lied to and deceived.
  • Most importantly, effective communication with your children is crucial as you go through a divorce. You should not treat your children as a confidant to vent to, but you and your spouse should jointly discuss with your children the decision you have made to divorce. If your children are old enough to understand, calmly explain the changes that must be made as a result of your decision.

Brad Crider is an experienced family law attorney serving the greater Mesa, Arizona area who understands that every parent wants what’s best for his or her child. His years of experience as a family lawyer and father have prepared him to fight for your child’s right to a better home life. To set up an initial consultation, call the Crider Law offices today.