
Changing My Child Support

After the divorce is finalized and child custody agreements are settled, often times the circumstances of one or both parents change. In such cases, it is possible and usually necessary for the existing child support agreement to be changed. According to Arizona law, “Any order for child support may be modified or terminated on a showing of changed circumstance that is substantial and continuing…” A.R.S. 25-503(E). If you believe your change in circumstance warrants a modification in the child support order, you should consult a family law attorney who can adequately determine if you are entitled to a child support modification.

Some common examples of circumstances that warrant a child support modification include the loss of a job, a significant increase or decrease in income, acquisition of another dependent or having another child, the onset of a disability, or a change in health insurance coverage. When any of these occur, it is important to act quickly to expedite the process. Be sure to document the significant change to appeal to the courts. If you are aware of any of these changes in the life of the parent with whom you share the child support order, be sure to contact your Crider Law attorney to help you through the process every step of the way. Your child is entitled to the best care and support they can receive, and we’ll help ensure your child receives it.

In some cases, provisions may be made for the child support order to be reviewed every three years without prior evidence of “substantial and continuing” change in circumstance. To determine the best course of action for your individual needs, consult Brad Crider, an experienced family law attorney. He will evaluate the needs of your family and determine the best options for you.

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