While many engaged couples find prenuptial agreements unnecessary and unromantic, a few years of marriage can sometimes make a post-nuptial agreement sound pretty enticing. Post-nuptial agreements are not just a selfish means of getting what you want in the event of a divorce, though. They are also useful tools for protecting joint finances, establishing mutual understanding in legal matters, and keeping a marriage (whether struggling or not) in tact for years to come.
Most couples mutually agree that the benefits of post-nuptial agreements outweigh any conflict surrounding its creation. There are few regulations in Arizona law surrounding what can and cannot be written into a postnuptial agreement. Anything from division of assets to division of household chores can be legally agreed upon. It is best to get an idea of the things that are most important in your financial and personal relationship with your spouse, whatever they may be, before hiring an attorney. Once you have established the bulk of what you want to cover in your agreement, working with an experienced family law attorney such as Brad Crider of Crider Law will help you to settle differences and create a legally binding agreement between you and your spouse.
If financial irresponsibility or excessive gambling is a point of marital conflict, a postnuptial agreement can set enforceable spending limitations and determine who is responsible for debts incurred. You can also write in stipulations for how children will be supported, even after they turn 18 and are no longer considered minors. In the unfortunate event that you and your spouse do get divorced before this time, your responsibility to provide for your children will still be shared between you and your spouse.
When there is a significant change in the financial status of either you or your spouse, such as receiving an unexpected inheritance or losing a small fortune in the stock market, consider drawing up a postnuptial agreement to protect your economic assets in case of future divorce or death.
To set up an initial consultation with an experienced family law attorney who can help you protect your assets and your life when marital circumstances change, call Crider Law today. Brad Crider will work to understand your individual needs and draw up an agreement that is beneficial for the emotional and economic well being of you and your spouse.